Luna Moth

(Actias luna)


One of favorite moths to encounter during the summertime are Luna Moths (Actias luna). This particular one is a male, which is indicated by its large feathery antennas. These large green moths belong to my favorite family of moths known as Saturniidae. Moths within this family are commonly referred to as Giant Silk Moths, or more scientifically, Saturniid Moths. As caterpillars, these moths are constantly found feeding on various plants. As they eat, these caterpillars store up fat within their bodies. These fat reserves will play an important role during adulthood. When the caterpillars’ job is completed, it begins to weave a silky cocoon around its body using salivary glands that are located on its face. Once the caterpillar is completely covered within its cocoon, it begins to pupate. It’ll remain inside its cocoon during the entire winter and spring, only to emerge as an adult moth in the summertime. As adults, these moths are incapable of eating! This is because once these caterpillars become moths, they no longer have a mouth! They also lack a digestive tract as well. So even if they were able to eat, they wouldn’t be able to digest their food. This is where the fat reserves come into play. Since the moth is incapable of eating, it simply relies on its body fat to provide it with energy. Its body fat is able to sustain its body with enough energy for about 1 week! During its incredibly short lifespan, male Luna Moths fly out during the nighttime in search of females to mate with. Female Luna Moths will emit pheromones into the air that signal to other males that she is ready to be mated with. Male Luna Moths are able to pick up these pheromones using chemical receptors located in their antennas. Once the male has located the female, the two begin to mate. After mating, the female will usually begin laying eggs only hours later. She’ll lay around 200-400 eggs during the remainder of her short life. The eggs will then hatch about a week later after being laid, with the lifecycle of the Luna Moth continuing all over again!


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